Monday, 29 June 2009

learn French, Italian Spanish on Twitter

Starting today a daily twitter lesson with link to minipodcast for pronunciation.

Follow @learnfrench @learnitalian @learnspanish from your twitter account,

Minipodcast here for French, Italian, Spanish

Just in time for the holidays - maybe too late for the Mexican honeymoon tho'!

Bonnes vacances!

Monday, 22 June 2009


I have just posted the uncollected papers and certificates to your schools first class. Look out for them!
Bonnes vacances!

Thursday, 18 June 2009

Graduation photo

I've just been in France for a week so didn't get a chance to post this sooner. I'll get the papers and marks to those who couldn't attend next week.
Thanks to South Ayrshire QIO Lynn Crossan for attending and presenting the certificates.
There seems to be a possibility of South Ayrshire continuing with Module 2 next year. Watch this space!

Monday, 8 June 2009


I have booked the Treehouse in the Sandgate for Wednesday at 5.30. I have counted Scott and Gill in along with quite a few from Module 2. I have to confirm numbers that afternoon. Please remind me on Wednesday to do that!

Monday, 1 June 2009

Wed 10th June

Quite a few of you have emailed to say you can't post comments. Can't find a reason for this. Anyway it looks like we will move on from the prizegiving to the Treehouse along with some of the Module 2 teachers. Expect we will be there by about 5.30. It would be good to know approximate numbers. Email me if you can't get comments to work!
Looking forward to seeing you again!