Tuesday, 31 March 2009

Monday, 30 March 2009

Twitter as a tool for teachers

Networking tool twitter is great for teachers!
9 reasons to use twitter in education from Laura Walker, a languages teacher.
Find teachers with your interests here twitter4teachers
Follow me at twitter.com/kaymcmeekin! Keep in touch!

Saturday, 28 March 2009

Audio files

I have started to upload old audio files to Podomatic. So far I've done the French sound system that I have mentioned before from my French Early Years Course, 2002. Listen here There is a six second pause before I get going!

Tuesday, 24 March 2009

lundi 23 mars

We started with chain questions and had a look at an American video on gender and articles. It is a bit weird but think it is a good explanation. 
It mentions some clues to gender eg 
Nouns that end in  -ette -ée -tion -ie ière -ance -ence -ure are feminine.
Nouns that end in -eau and most consonants are usually masculine.
This is far from foolproof! Best just to learn the article with the noun.
We had fun with food rhymes and made up a little ditty in French in groups. I didn't note down what you had written. Post your song in comments!
Additional food vocab: miam miam = yum yum and berk or beurk = yuck
We did some more work on nasal vowels. 
For the last half hour we discussed the use of blogs. Notes for this on mlpscpd.blogspot.com


blackboard  is the university site. 
you should now be able to log on
try your banner id starts with B00 followed by @uws.ac.uk  as your user name
your password should be your Date of Birth as 6 digit number
or if that doesn't work uws followed by your DOB
On it there are links to docs and papers but I think I have given you most of these already so don't panic if you can't get in.

Next week - writing!

Wednesday, 18 March 2009


We will do the writing on 30 March. Write prepared piece from memory. Dictionary use is permitted. This will only take 15 minutes.
Micro Teaching
half come one day and the other half the other day
Monday 20 April: Suzanne, Eleanor, Gavin, Jillian, Gill, Germaine, Fiona, Lynn
Monday 27 April: Rosslyn, Scott, Diane, Louise, Jodie, Jennifer, Lorna, Lesley Ann
(have swapped Jillian with Scott, since Monday)
Written assignment is due 1 May. I'll get anonymous cover papers and you can post in or deliver.
I have added Micro Teaching Success Criteria to the Assessment Folder in My Teaching Files
Rosslyn, we can make alternative arrangements for you if necessary.

Pâques - Easter

Here are some Easter things here in case you need it soon.

Tuesday, 17 March 2009

lundi 16 mars

It was lovely to see Rosslyn again!
We started with some more work on nasal vowels.  I found some interesting notes on teaching French phonics from a presentation at this month's primary languages show in Liverpool by Jo Rhys Jones from Cornwall and Lynne Erler form Oxford University. This is where I got the sacks posters which I modified and have uploaded to My Teaching Files.
Working in pairs teachers were asked to fill in examples of each sound from known words, ideally short, monosyllabic words like bon, vin, brun, dent. 
We explored rhymes with a French set of word cards to find rhymes 
and the well known rhyme
à Paris, à Paris sur mon petit cheval gris (H/O) and activboard file
Lynne Erler's 
We also discussed time scale for assignments which I will post separately!

Monday, 16 March 2009

Dans mon pays d'Espagne

This traditional song has it all, repetition (sing every line twice), actions and a great follow-up activity. Flashcards of the vocabulary held up by pupils would help with the order

Dans mon pays d’Espagne, olé 2x
Il y a un soleil, comme ça 2x (make a circle)

Dans mon pays d’Espagne, olé 2x
Il y a des montagnes, comme ça 2x (make pointy mountains)
Et un soleil, comme ça.

Dans mon pays d’Espagne, olé 2x
Il y a la mer, comme ça 2x (make waves)
Et des montagnes, comme ça 2x
Et un soleil, comme ça

Dans mon pays d’Espagne, olé 2x
Il y a des danseuses, comme ça 2x (hands in position -1 arm up other down)
Et y a la mer, comme ça 2x
Et des montagnes, comme ça 2x
Et un soleil, comme ça

Dans mon pays d’Espagne, olé 2x
Il y a des taureaux, comme ça 2x (make horns)
Et des danseuses, comme ça 2x
Et y a la mer, comme ça 2x
Et des montagnes, comme ça 2x
Et un soleil, comme ça

Dans mon pays d’Espagne, olé 2x
Il y a du bon vin, comme ça 2x (drink wine)
Et des taureaux, comme ça 2x
Et des danseuses, comme ça 2x
Et y a la mer comme ça 2x
Et des montagnes, comme ça 2x
Et un soleil, comme ça

Dans mon pays d’Espagne,
Olé !

Maybe des guitares instead of du bon vin

Make up one for dans mon pays d’Ecosse or another country.  Could be a competition, le facteur X!
la mer
des montagnes
de la pluie (rain, noun)
le monstre du Loch Ness
des châteaux
du haggis
de l'Irn Bru
des moutons
des vaches poilues (hairy cows, fpl for Highland cows)

Wednesday, 11 March 2009

Comic Relief

Former colleague Mark Pentleton who runs the very successful languages podcasts Radio Lingua Network has produced a tongue in cheek course in Scottish for Comic Relief. For £3 donation all of which goes to Comic Relief you can download 3 lessons, plus you get a 25% discount off your next purchase.
Pass the word.

Monday, 9 March 2009

lundi 10 mars

We talked about starters and plenaries. (H/O)

Played a video of some shops from youtube to get us in the French mood

We also played a Flash  game of COUNTDOWN which was originally a French TV game called des chiffres et des lettres! The numbers game works well
un grand et cinq petits 
vous avez 30 secondes
Do the solution in French too.

Letters game more suited to English but worked too
une consonne, une voyelle, encore une consonne etc
I've uploaded the folder to the Shared work file. Enjoy!

Did a lot of work on nasal vowels using minicards and the talktime postcards

Here's my dustbin game made up in minutes on classtools.net


Click here for full screen version

Listening practice

If you would like to tune your ear, try BBC Ma France 

There are lots of videos and you can turn both  the  French and English subtitles on and off.

For next time be able to tell me what you are planning to do (roughly) in your micro teaching which will be after Easter.

Tuesday, 3 March 2009

lundi 2 mars

Merci à Scott et à tous pour vos présentations!

Paris - interactive onion map

Picture quiz - but only 7 questions. Click here to open in a new window

Song Aux Champs Elysées by Joe Dassin
has an easy chorus
aux Champs-Elysées
aux Champs-Elysées
au soleil, sous la pluie
à midi ou à minuit
il y a tout ce que vous voulez aux Champs Elysées (there's everything you want on the Champs Elysees

Here are links to 2 versions on youtube

more later


Apologies from Claire who forget to order catering! Keep your receipts and bring them next week and I will refund you.

Sunday, 1 March 2009

History of MLPS in Scotland -timeline

I have been using Timeglider for the first time. This is a work in progress!
It is easier to see in a new window. Drag the green slider to 25 years.